Grade 12
Seniors apply the powers of synthesis to the study of Biochemistry, Modern World History, Calculus, Architecture and Economics. Students select a topic of interest and conduct their own independent studies for their senior project relying on self-discipline and motivation to complete their work.
“[The teachers] take you beyond anything you would be taught in a textbook. They actually bring you into the full experience of a subject so that it becomes more real and stays with you.” —Senior
- Calculus
- Applied Mathematics
Natural Sciences
- Biology–Zoology
- Physics–Optics
- Chemistry–Biochemistry
Earth Sciences
- Russian Literature
- 20th Century Writers and Poets
- Grammar Skills
- Transcendentalists
- Drama
Historical/Social Studies
- America & the Modern World
- Economics & World History
- Political Philosophy
- History of Architecture
Foreign Language
- Spanish
- Other