Our seniors are currently studying biochemistry in Main lesson. This block provides a synthesis of the chemistry learned in previous blocks. It is a challenging course requiring rigorous study and independent research. This block focuses on the detailed analysis of and experimentation with the four major classes of biomolecules, proteins, lipid, DNA and carbohydrates. This knowledge allows seniors to examine metabolism on a personal level. Additionally, each senior presents a thoroughly researched project on the topic of her or his choice allowing the student to delve deeply into a topic of personal interest. Past research projects have included Stem Cell Research, DNA finger printing and PCR, HIV/AIDS, Avian Flu, Gene Therapy, Opioid Addiction, CRISPR, Parkinson’s, etc. Through this research, the students are guided through teaching themselves difficult material.
Dr. Wyman took the class to Dr. Mark Prausnitz’s chemical engineering lab at GA Tech to observe first hand research and work in the field. https://drugdelivery.chbe.gatech.edu/ It was amazing for the students to speak with graduate students working on projects including getting low cost vaccines to developing countries, testing for tuberculosis, and delivering medicines to patients with macular degeneration.
Upon completion of the course, students have a clear understanding of a myriad of current research topics in chemistry, and the satisfaction that they can learn difficult material autonomously.
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