The iconic orange and black Monarch butterfly travels thousands of miles from Mexico to the U.S. and back every year over several generations and is in danger of disappearing. Establishing microhabitats for the Monarch butterfly along their migration path makes a big difference in Monarch conservation. With the help of a Monarchs Across Georgia, Academe has created a habitat designed to give the Monarch butterfly and other native pollinators a safe place to visit. The garden highlights native and adaptive plants that attract pollinators including several varieties of the milkweed plant. The monarch butterflies lay their eggs exclusively on the milkweed which is critical to their survival. Our pollinator garden is now 2 and ½ years old and the plants are growing beautifully.

Pollinator Census Study Project

We are currently also part of a Pollinator Census Study Project through the University of Georgia. The project is especially targeted towards the snow flurry aster and its attraction of pollinators. We observe and count the pollinators on the snow flurries on weekly basis and report the numbers to UGA.


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